Q. What do I do if I want to change or cancel an order?
A. All orders are considered final and can only be cancelled or changed in writing via fax or email. There is a minimum cancellation fee of $10.00. Items imprinted before a cancellation or change request will be billed accordingly.
We make the kippot and Yarmulkes, we print the kippot and Yarmulkes, and sell the kippot and Yarmulkes - yes all on site! A1 Skullcaps adorn Jewish heads with kippot everywhere. For over fifty years, Judaica retailers and their customers have come to appreciate the value we stitch into every kippah. Now, we bring the world's largest yarmulke and kippah source to you. Our bulk kippot bear the distinctive stamp of the kippah and Yarmulkes and quality of all kippahs, we have a half-century of experience and expertise.